Systems Sensitive Leadership, by Armour and Browning

Hierdie het my hierdie week baie gehelp om my denke te vorm rondom watter sisteem wanneer gereed sal wees vir verandering en ook hoe om daardie sisteem te benader.


Systems Sensitive Leadership: Thinking Systems Summarized
[from Systems Sensitive Leadership, by Michael Armour and Don Browning]
Systems Summary
System Primary Existence Issue Leadership Spirituality Characteristic Strengths Weaknesses
System 1 Physical survival Non-existent leadership Little or none Aimless wandering driven to survive driven by immediate necessities
System 2 Personal safety among unseen powers little hierarchy immanence/mystery of God spiritual rituals respects spiritual realities little freedom for self-determination
System 3 Physical safety among hostile human powers “tough” boss at top of hierarchy respects God for his power and might defiant, plays to win, fights can withstand oppresssion becomes undisciplined easily
System 4 Moral, social stability in immoral world follows leaders of integrity and morality almost unquestioningly reveres transcendent God idealistic, strong moral codes, diligent work builds strong community legalistic, bureaucratic, motivates with guilt and fear
System 5 Personal success and achievement wants leaders who make things happen God as friend and guide self-improvement, energetic, seeks new ideas inventive, innovative may sacrifice relationships
System 6 Relationships of intimacy and mutual support flat organizations with empowerment God as healer and reconciler care for others promotes stronger society may disparage tradition
System 7 Averting polarization dispersed decision making God as great integrator “big picture” views, long range emphasis anticipates change can miss people and details in the long focus
System 8 Genuine oneness, even with the environment collaboration holistically God as being behind all being transcultural, transethnic thinks globally about impact of actions esoteric, impatient

Aanpassing Uitdagings vs. Tegniese Uitgadings

Vanoggend het Caryn Edwards van TomorrowToday Insights hierdie waardevolle gedagtes weer by my tuisgebring en in herinnering geroep.

Wanneer na oplossings gesoek word vir probleme moet daar vanuit die staanspoor vasgestel word of daar met ‘n aanpassing of tegniese probleem geworstel word.

‘n Tegniese probleem kan staatmaat op ondervinding en gevalle studies van die verlede. Die goeie ou dae se wysheid.

‘n Aanpassing probleem vra egter nuwe denke. Nuwe denke, waar die ervarings en gevalle studies van die verlede juis doelbewus agtergelaat moet word om goed te kan aanpas by veranderende omstandighede. Ou oplossings gaan nie help met nuwe probleme nie.

Keith Coats haal Peter Drucker aan: “The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence, it is to act with yesterday’s logic.”

Ek stem saam met Coats en Drucker dat nuwe denke bedink moet word vir nuwe uitdagings. Dat vir ons om aanpasbare of aanpassings leiers te wees, sal ons moet aanhou om voelers uit te steek na nuwe dinge, gedagtes en ervarings om sodoende heeltyd kreatief met die hedendaagse uitdagings om te gaan en nie nuwe probleme met ou oplossings te wil aanpak nie. Dit gaan nie werk nie.

Kreatief. Innoverend. Aanpasbaar. Vloeibaar. Uitdagend. Dapper. Dit is deel van more.

State of the Bible according to Generations

Die afgelope week het die Amerikaanse Bybelgenootskap hulle nuutste navorsing bekend gemaak. The State of the Bible.

Een hoofstuk gaan interessant genoeg oor die verskillende generasies se verhouding met die Bybel.

Ek haal graag ‘n paar dele aan wat ‘n prentjie help skets oor die Amerikaanse gebruik van die Bybel wat verseker binnekort ook die Suid-Afrikaanse gebruik van die Bybel sal weërspieël.

“If our churches and ministries are led by older people who critisize younger people for being youthful, they’re in trouble.”

“We see many Millennials using their distinctly Millennial traits to serve the church effectively, and we anticipate similar contributions from GenZ in the decades to come.”

InterGen “offers us unprecedented opportunity to foster relationships between people of very different ages at a scale never seen before.”

“While Generations X, Y, and Z all show a decrease from the two oldest groups, it’s usually the Millennials who score the lowest on Church attendance.”

“Generation Z faces higher levels of stress than older generations.”

“Across the board, females were more likely to report high anxiety than were males.”


1/3 GenZ experience high levels of anxiety.

1/4 Millennials experience high levels of anxiety.

1/5 GenX experience high levels of anxiety.


1/4 GenZ have high depression symptoms

1/8 Millennials have high depression symptoms

1/10 GenX have high depressions symptoms

Q: Is hierdie generasionele vlakke van angs en depressie moontlik gelink aan blootstelling tot verskillende vorme van sosiale media?

“Research shows that GenZ is facing a mental health crisis, with stress, and depression far beyond the norm…a mental health crisis and rise in loneliness in the U.S. that disproportionally affects young adults…Protecting the mental health of young people is regarded as a national emergency.”

“The mental health crisis can be viewed as a ministry mandate for churches and Christian ministries, for individual believers and families of everyone in GenZ, but especially for GenZ women. What can we do to alleviate these alarming levels of stress, anxiety, and depression?”

“People who read the Bible regularly and apply it to their lives report fewer symptoms of stress, anxiety, or depression. This is true throughout the survey data, and especially among GenZ women.”

“It might surprise you that more than one in five Elders (22%) are divorced or separated, along with one in four Boomers (25%)…Overall, fewer than half of American adults are married (47%).”

“Denominations with a strong cultural heritage enjoy the loyalty of older members, but may need to cultivate relationships in younger generations.”

“Each new generation, from Elders to Millennials, shows a decline in religious commitment and Scripture engagement…But one factor continues to create hope: Curiosity…GenZ leads the way in curiosity. Three of four indicate some level of curiosity about the Bible or Jesus.”

As Sasha Johfre puts is: “…bringing people together across generational divides can introduce new ideas and encourage new levels of empathy in interpersonal relationships and groups.”

Gaan gerus na om die navorsing af te laai.